Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Not only on my desk...whats-on-your-workdesk-wednesday-

W ramach whats-on-your-workdesk muszę pokazać coś co już sie na blatach nie mieści. To moje DT projekty przygotowywane na kilka kolejnych miesięcy...
Na razie tylko papiery, zdjecia i niewiele dodatków.
To także część mojego studia  której jeszcze nie pokazywałam.

For this week wednesday-148. I would like to show you stuff what can not find anymore place on my desk.... It`s my DT projects for next several months...
For now only papers, photos and some embelishmants.
It`s also part of my studio I never show before.


  1. Gosh, you're going to be busy working on all those projects!! Good luck :)
    Hugs, LLJ #7 xx

  2. Busy, busy!! Lots of projects - hope you have plenty of time to work on them!
    Happy WOYWW!!

  3. gorgeous projects. Thanks for sharing.


  4. Wow, you are so organized and super busy!
    Can't wait to see these ;0)

  5. wow, niezła "produkcja" :):):) Jesteś niesamowita, że to wszystko ogarniasz:)

  6. How interesting to see your work method...And Lordy, you have a lot to do. I think working in the room with the fireplace is hugely sensible!!

  7. Look at you..Looks like you're manufacturing LO's!! Good job on being able to make it in advance.

  8. Your desk looks so organized...can't wait to see what you will be creating!

  9. ha-ha! you have a lot of stuff going on! :-)))

  10. Wow lucky you to have such a big studio! I work in a small space but have a nice counter. I don't work the way you do though - I never prepare my pages beforehand into kits - I always decide on and make the page at the same time before moving onto the next one because I never know what will be just right to add when the time comes...


Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by! You will make me so happy to leave a comment!
Bardzo mi miło ze do mnie zaglądacie :).