I am so excited to announce that I am a new member of the Scrapbook Challenges Design Team!
Thank you Brynn!
If you don`t know me by now...
Name: Agnieszka vel Bellaidea /bella – e –dea/
Short Bio:
I had very happy childhood and I wanted the same for my kids so I found, or was found by a great man, we have 2 fantastic and talented children and you all know they are not ugly either. We like to travel, visit nice places, watch animals, read books, listen to music, cook healthy meals and have fun.
Camera used? – Sony -actually I had to go and check it out.
How long have you been scrapping? What got you started?
It` s almost two years since I saw some layouts on net and started buying papers, lace flowers, stamps etc. Some time ago a nice girl from Alberta convinced me to start a blog and apply for the DT position. The first time I received the proposition about publishing my layout I was in seventh heaven. I really enjoyed every single stage of making layouts, from the very first moment I take a photo of my kids to the time I finish my layout and put it to the gallery and my blog. Each and every comment there makes my day.
I wanted save best photos of my kids in nice environment .It just seemed like great idea to become a scrap-girl.
Why do you continue to scrapbook?
That`s easy – I still have so many photos , nice flowers, lace and papers. Seriously, I just love it!
How would you describe your style?
I like shabby, whimsy, distressing, inking and I cannot resist tearing photos edges.
What are your favorite subjects to scrap?
12X12, 8 1/2 X 11, or other?
I`m addicted to 12x12 layouts.
Favorite products?
Stamps, lace, flowers and of course paper.
Favorite Technique?
Favorite Technique?
Distressing, misting, inking.
Favorite Tool?
Scissors .Tim Holz`s only.
Do you scrap events or moments? Special photos? Or all photos?
All photos of special moments.
Do you scrap in chronological order or random scrapping?
It`s more lottery then any plan.
Are you a fast scrapper or a slow scrapper?
Give me 1 hr of free time and I will finish layout every single time. Is it fast or slow?
White backgrounds, colored, or patterned?
White backgrounds, colored, or patterned?
I don`t want to choose, so all 3 off above.
Late night scrapper or daytime scrapper?
Late night scrapper or daytime scrapper?
Any time is fine with me.
Scrap Idol?
Oliwian, Iris, Emeline, not only for their artistic style but for being nice, fun, friendly and helpful.
Welcome to Scrapbook Challenges, Challenge Your Scrap BLOG HOP!!!
If you have happened here by chance and wish to hop along with all lovely girls , please start here at Brynn's Blog
Zapraszam serdecznie do zabawy, mapka jest bardzo ciekawa a i nagrody zachecajace, same zobaczcie!
Sama zawieruszylam sie gdzie miedzy lotniskami i nie mialam jeszcze okazji wykonac swojej pracy.
Nie wszystko stracone, nadciaga weekend.

3. For inviting people to join the group one person will receive a mix of alcohol ink goodies from Ranger.

4. One new member over the weekend will receive a mix of alcohol ink goodies from Ranger.

Zachecone? To zapraszam do zabawy!
So good to read your story, congratulations on being published, very lovely work indeed!